We're all curious as to what the market is doing in our neighborhood. The latest information for West Wood is very positive! Two homes have sold in the neighborhood since January 1st of this year. One on Durden Court and the other on Benoit Drive. So welcome your new neighbors if you live near them!
Statistically, the average sales price of these homes was $121,950 with a price per square foot of $70.63. This is an increase over the total sales price per square foot for 2008 of $68.84. So for the first quarter of 2009 things seem to be looking up for us in terms of home values.
Currently there are 9 homes on the market ranging in sales price from $119,900 to $170,000. These homes range from 1480 sq. ft. to 2356 sq. ft. with an average price per square foot of $78.16. If you know of someone looking for a home, please tell them about our neighborhood. If you like living here, don't you think yours friends would also?
I personally feel that we are making some progress in getting our home values up. For a time we seemed plagued with a lot of foreclosed homes in the neighborhood and that trend has seemed to decrease. Most of these homes currently on the market are being sold by the home owner and do not represent bank owned properties. That is GREAT news for us as a community!! In order to keep our property values up, we need to lessen the number of foreclosures in our neighborhood.
Yeah, we all agree to that and I'm sure you're saying what can I do? I pay my bills but it's my neighbors who are causing the problem. Well, there is plenty you can do. If you know of a neighbor, or anyone for that matter, who is having difficult paying their mortgage or maybe has just lost their job, urge them to contact their lender IMMEDIATELY!!! There is a lot that can be done to keep that family in their home.
When the homeowner contacts the lender ask to speak to the home retention or workout department. Be firm and insist that you need help and that you run the risk of foreclosure and you want to work out a deal to keep you in your home. Lenders have the ability to restructure the loan any way they see fit and should be able to work out a plan to keep you in your home. The recent government acts have provided money to help lenders restructure loans to keep homeowners from losing their homes. Call your lender today if you have lost your job or are having difficulty paying your mortgage! Be proactive, don't wait to talk to them when they call you!
We can all do our part to help our neighborhood and our community. If you, or someone you know is in trouble, talk to them and have them take action. If you have any questions or need the number for your lender, please contact me. I'd love to help you keep your home!
Statistically, the average sales price of these homes was $121,950 with a price per square foot of $70.63. This is an increase over the total sales price per square foot for 2008 of $68.84. So for the first quarter of 2009 things seem to be looking up for us in terms of home values.
Currently there are 9 homes on the market ranging in sales price from $119,900 to $170,000. These homes range from 1480 sq. ft. to 2356 sq. ft. with an average price per square foot of $78.16. If you know of someone looking for a home, please tell them about our neighborhood. If you like living here, don't you think yours friends would also?
I personally feel that we are making some progress in getting our home values up. For a time we seemed plagued with a lot of foreclosed homes in the neighborhood and that trend has seemed to decrease. Most of these homes currently on the market are being sold by the home owner and do not represent bank owned properties. That is GREAT news for us as a community!! In order to keep our property values up, we need to lessen the number of foreclosures in our neighborhood.
Yeah, we all agree to that and I'm sure you're saying what can I do? I pay my bills but it's my neighbors who are causing the problem. Well, there is plenty you can do. If you know of a neighbor, or anyone for that matter, who is having difficult paying their mortgage or maybe has just lost their job, urge them to contact their lender IMMEDIATELY!!! There is a lot that can be done to keep that family in their home.
When the homeowner contacts the lender ask to speak to the home retention or workout department. Be firm and insist that you need help and that you run the risk of foreclosure and you want to work out a deal to keep you in your home. Lenders have the ability to restructure the loan any way they see fit and should be able to work out a plan to keep you in your home. The recent government acts have provided money to help lenders restructure loans to keep homeowners from losing their homes. Call your lender today if you have lost your job or are having difficulty paying your mortgage! Be proactive, don't wait to talk to them when they call you!
We can all do our part to help our neighborhood and our community. If you, or someone you know is in trouble, talk to them and have them take action. If you have any questions or need the number for your lender, please contact me. I'd love to help you keep your home!
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